Propose a project


Why should I propose my project to Via-Satis ?


If, like us, you feel drawn towards creating a new world, which is both more harmonious and more respectful of the environment.

If you too want to be instrumental in this change.

Then you’re in the right place.

We believe in this new world, one of hope and new beginnings.

If you have an exciting, ambitious and concrete project aimed at the noblest of causes, that of protecting all living things, and you agree with Via-Satis’ values of trust, solidarity, cooperation, reliability and tenacity, all with the aim of reaching an agreement and a contract.

Then we look forward to working with you.

Working with Via-Satis means being part of a group of people (project leaders, scientific experts, and donors) who contribute to the achievement of these projects.

Working together means joining forces and having the pleasure of creating lasting relationships.


What Via-Satis can do for you :

  • Offer financial support (time/skills, in kind/material) collected from donors who share Via-Satis’ values. This will help you get your projects started, and to fully complete them.
  • Offer scientific appraisal carried out by experts with whom we are connected.
  • Present your project on our website, visible to all.


How does it work?

You would like to propose a project.

To do this, please complete the form below.
Upon receipt, we will check that the project meets Via-Satis’ fundamental objectives and that it respects our Charter.
After studying your proposal, we will contact you to inform you of our decision.

In sending us your message, you confirm you agree with our privacy policy.

Project manager's contact information:

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