Legal Notices

Under Law 78-17 of 6th January 1978, called the ‘Informatique et Libertés’ law (Data Protection and Privacy), and the European Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 regarding the protection of individuals and the processing of their personal data and the free flow of such data, known as the ‘General Data Protection Regulation’ or ‘GDPR’, we inform users of the website of the identity of the various participants taking part in its implementation and follow-up:

Website Editor:

SASU Via-Satis with a capital of 2,000 euros (Two thousand Euros)

Company Registration No./SIRET N°: 833 908 288 00016

Registered Office: Via-Satis – 1 rue Arthur Dubois 59750 FEIGNIES – FRANCE.

Telephone: +33 9 72 29 54 37



Editorial Director: Denis LANTOINE

Publishing Director: Denis LANTOINE.

Hosting Company:

OVH Company – Société par Actions Simplifiée

2 rue Kellermann 59100 Roubaix – FRANCE

Company Registration/SIRET N°: 424 761 419 00045.


Telephone number: +33 9 72 10 10 07.

Website development:

SASU Via-Satis with a capital of 2,000 euros (Two thousand Euros).

Company Registration/SIRET N° 833 908 288 00016.

Registered Office: Via-Satis – 1 rue Arthur Dubois 59750 FEIGNIES – FRANCE.

Telephone: +33 9 72 29 54 37.



Intellectual property:

The content on the website, i.e. texts, photos, graphics, videos, are the exclusive property of SASU Via-Satis with the exception of the content provided by our partners, who have previously given us permission to use their content.

Any reproduction, representation, modification, publication, adaptation of all or part of any content on the website, regardless of the means or process used, is prohibited. This is unless written permission is given by SASU Via-Satis.

Any unauthorised use of the website or any of the content contained within it will be considered to constitute infringement and prosecuted in accordance with the provisions of Articles L.335-2 and in accordance with the Intellectual Property Code.


Logo credit: Aurélien LANTOINE.

Icons credit: Marie LANTOINE.

Photo credits:

Mountain: Marie LANTOINE

Torrent: Denis LANTOINE

Flood: Sandid

Drought: Sven Lachmanm

Wildfires: Skeeze

Elephants: Pexels

Bee: Capri23auto – Ralph

“Idea” design: Gerd Altmann.

Photo of the Founder: Marie LANTOINE

Charter Page Photo: Marie LANTOINE.

Text credits: Morgane DROUIN, Aurélien LANTOINE, Denis LANTOINE, Marie LANTOINE, Martine LANTOINE, Didier LESAFFRE, Christine PERIN-PHILIPPE, Yves-Marie STERLIN.

English language translation credit: Nichola THOMAS.


The website may contain hyperlinks pointing to other websites. SASU Via-Satis declines any responsibility for the content and activities of these websites and cannot be held responsible for any damage resulting from the use of these websites.

Limitation of liability:

SASU Via-Satis cannot be held responsible for any malfunction, impossibility of access or poor user conditions on the website which would be attributable to unsuitable equipment or internal failures on the part of the user’s service provider. Equally SASU Via-Satis cannot be held liable in the event of misuse of the site by the user, nor for any internet network congestion.

SASU Via-Satis cannot be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage caused to the user’s equipment when accessing the website

SASU Via-Satis reserves the right to question the actions of the user, and to bring civil or criminal liability charges, especially in the event of messages of a racist, offensive, defamatory, or pornographic nature, regardless of the medium used.

The rights of users of regarding their personal data:

Users of can at any time assert their right to object, question, access, correct and delete their personal data collected on the website

The user can send us his/her request, subject to proof of identity, by email to:  or to the following postal address: Via-Satis – 1 rue Arthur Dubois 59750 FEIGNIES – FRANCE.

The user also has the right to lodge a complaint with the National Commission for Information Technology and Freedoms (CNIL) (i.e. The French Data Protection Authority), 3 Place de Fontenoy – TSA 80715 – 75334 PARIS CEDEX 07. This would be for any claim relating to the way SASU Via-Satis collects and processes its personal data.

To learn more about managing your personal data, visit our Privacy Policy page.

The Data Protection Officer (DPO):

For any questions or requests regarding personal data, the user can contact the SASU Via-Satis Data Protection Officer by email to:  or by post to Via-Satis – 1 rue Arthur Dubois 59750 FEIGNIES – FRANCE.

Applicable law:

The website is subject in its entirety to French law.