a new world
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More and more of us are worried about the health of our Planet… about Life on Earth…
For many years, scientists from the world over, have been providing evidence of the fact that our Planet is sick.
Here are some of the symptoms:
- In recent decades, the Earth’s temperature has steadily increased (melting of sea ice, and glaciers, rising waters, etc.),
- Natural disasters are multiplying (heatwaves, droughts, forest fires, floods, etc.),
- Many animal and plant species have disappeared and continue to disappear (bee extinction, massive deforestation, etc.),
- …
This is largely the result of our way of life and our activities.
We still have the opportunity to reverse this process, provided we act now and together to preserve Life on Earth and restore its Ecosystems.
In fact initiatives are already being introduced and implemented all over the world.
To intensify and accelerate this movement, we believe that it is possible to unite all our resources and skills, to bring scale and speed to the necessary changes!

For this reason, we created Via-Satis.
The organisation’s goals are:
- To identify all the issues that harm the health and well-being of all living things,
- To prioritise them according to their level of harmfulness,
- To develop and implement a treatment for each of them,
- And with each step completed, celebrate our successes together!
How are we going to do this?
Here is our roadmap:

Make Via-Satis known to as many people as possible by using the fastest and most powerful means of distribution: The internet.

Call on anyone with concrete plans to preserve Life on Earth and restore its Ecosystems, to come forward.

Select projects based on scientific expertise, while ensuring that they meet both these two objectives, and comply with our Charter.

Present them on our website to raise donations.

Use donations to help achieve these projects.

Provide updates on the progress of the projects.

Celebrate our successes together!

Via-Satis is a crowdfunding platform regulated by the French authorities. ORIAS registration number: 19008831