
Why donate to Via-Satis?
How does it work?

You would like to make

a one-off donation to Via-Satis


5 €


10 €


50 €


100 €



You would like to make

a monthly donation to Via-Satis

5 €

You want to set up a

monthly direct debit.

10 €

You want to set up a

monthly direct debit.

50 €

You want to set up a

monthly direct debit.

100 €

You want to set up a

monthly direct debit.


Custom amount

You want to set up a

monthly direct debit.

You can stop these withdrawals at any time by filling out this form.

Other ways to donate


You can write cheques out to Via-Satis and send them to:


1 rue Arthur Dubois



You have the option to bequeath part or all of your estate to Via-Satis by filling out the form on the Contact us page.

In-Kind Donations/Materials & Equipment

You have the option to donate in-kind or donate materials & equipment by browsing the list of particular needs on the page entitled Specific Donations.


You have the opportunity to donate your time or skills by browsing the list of particular needs on the page entitled Specific Donations.

Via-Satis is a crowdfunding platform regulated by the French authorities. ORIAS registration number: 19008831