You would like to make
a one-off donation to Via-Satis
5 €
10 €
50 €
100 €
Via-Satis brings together projects that contribute to these fundamental objectives: to preserve Life on Earth and to restore its Ecosystems.
Through its actions, it is one of the driving forces of the long-awaited change.
Many of us would like to participate in the creation of this new world. Yet we do not always find time, or do not know what to do, or where to turn.
Via-Satis proposes solutions: it brings together a wide range of concrete projects, which have been validated by scientific experts, and which are just waiting to be supported.
With a simple gesture, we can participate in this change for our beautiful Planet by supporting these ambitious projects through donations.
Imagine, if each one of you makes a donation, whatever you can manage. Imagine the impact it would have on each of these projects. You can help them be realised.
Any donation, however big or small, has a part to play.
Mother Earth provides for us unceasingly. She has taken care of us for thousands of years and now is the time to reconnect with her, to thank her and take care of her!
For financial donations:
All donations go into a “shared pot”.
All donations are donated to project owners, net of Via-Satis’ operating costs.
Donations are distributed among the projects depending on their needs and stage of completion, and given in instalments.
For Donations of an in-kind/material or time/skill nature:
You can view all the specific needs of each project by browsing the page entitled “Specific Donations”.
Then click on the type of donation you want to make, and fill out the relevant form.
You would like to make
a monthly donation to Via-Satis
5 €
You want to set up a
monthly direct debit.
10 €
You want to set up a
monthly direct debit.
50 €
You want to set up a
monthly direct debit.
100 €
You want to set up a
monthly direct debit.
Custom amount
You want to set up a
monthly direct debit.
You can stop these withdrawals at any time by filling out this form.
Other ways to donate
You can write cheques out to Via-Satis and send them to:
1 rue Arthur Dubois
You have the option to bequeath part or all of your estate to Via-Satis by filling out the form on the Contact us page.
In-Kind Donations/Materials & Equipment
You have the option to donate in-kind or donate materials & equipment by browsing the list of particular needs on the page entitled Specific Donations.
You have the opportunity to donate your time or skills by browsing the list of particular needs on the page entitled Specific Donations.